Whitfield County, Georgia
General Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Unaudited
Year to Date Totals as of January 31, 2016 8.33%
With Comparative Totals for 2015 January 2016  Year to Date
General Fund Status 
2016 2015
Amended Year to Date Year to Date Available Year to Date
Budget Projected Actual Budget Actual
 Accrued Taxes  $    31,080,000  $     1,179,587  $     1,155,242  $          (24,345)  $     1,162,090
 Licenses and Permits             425,500              94,583              68,866              (25,717)              18,663
 Intergovernmental Revenue          1,746,600            906,750            905,695                (1,055)            105,226
 Charges for Services          3,005,510            187,398            155,135              (32,263)            946,120
 Fines and Forfeitures          1,020,000              85,000              81,835                (3,165)              75,886
 Investment Income                 3,000                   250                   264                      14                   398
 Contributions - Private Sources                         -                       -                        -                         -                        -
 Miscellaneous             868,550              83,371              61,863              (21,508)              62,175
 Other Financing Sources             490,200                2,500                        -                (2,500)                        -
       38,639,360         2,539,439         2,428,900            (110,539)         2,370,558
Annual Encumbrances Annual
EXPENDITURES 2016 2015 Enc As Adjusted
 General Government  $      8,256,682  $        688,057  $        561,340  $         126,717  $        615,984                                  45,315.00                                  44,698.00 Bldg & Grounds                                              -  
 Judicial          5,795,196            482,933            425,257               57,676            396,275                                230,912.00                             1,549,961.00 Sup Admin, DA, Juv, Pub Def                                              -  
 Public Safety        14,459,057         1,204,921         1,126,117               78,804         1,114,984                                478,792.00                                456,791.00 EMS, Sheriff                                              -  
 Public Works          6,333,846            527,821            454,264               73,557            317,599                                140,030.00                                  16,280.00 Public Works                                              -  
 Health and Welfare             398,000              34,083              29,484                 4,599              34,484                                313,500.00                                313,500.00 Health Dept, DFACS, Friends of Greenhouse                                              -  
 Culture and Recreation          1,010,122              84,177              83,304                    873              59,407                                              -  
 Housing and Development          1,989,943            259,716            228,775               30,941            111,757                                225,872.00                                388,804.00 CVB,TH Heritage,CDC,Trade Ctr,Planning                                              -  
 Debt Service          1,977,990                       -                        -                         -                        -                                115,139.00 Spring Creek pymts not due until Dec                                              -  
 Other Financing Uses          1,320,914            110,077            110,077                       (1)            136,197
       41,541,750         3,391,785         3,018,618             373,166         2,786,687
OVER EXPENDITURES  $     (2,902,390)  $      (852,346)  $       (589,718)  $         262,628  $       (416,129)
AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED        12,760,516       12,760,516       12,760,516          9,858,126       14,947,122
OTHER TRANSFERS IN                       -                       -                        -                        -  
UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE, YEAR TO DATE  $   11,908,170  $   12,170,798  $   14,530,993
UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR  $      9,858,126  $    10,120,754  $   12,760,516
Days of Reserve 87 89 114